Creating our Angular project

On this section, we shall start our project

We have two ways to create our project: from Stackblitz or from your computer, they both use Visual Code Studio. On this tutorial, we shall use Stackblitz: I want to let it available online for you guys, as so you can play without needing all the setups; just the initial process changes, the remaining procedure is similar.

Creating a project on Stackblitz

Just go to Stackblitz, enter with your account, and choose Angular project.

Creating a project on desktop with Visual Code Studio

Open your VS code, and type:

ng new project name

wait, and may take a while, and shit to the folder, "cd your project"

npm start

Wait for it, wait for it, and have fun! 😎 iT

In order to alleviate work to me, I am not going to keep pointing the differences, they are quite small.

The app your create is basic, but fully functional, inclusing basic tests.

Run npm test and the test should run, everything should pass! πŸ’ͺπŸ™

The live app is here. The sandbox is here.

Last updated